Something strange and inevitable happens every time the Hedgehog leaves me for an extended amount of time. AKA: any time longer than work hours, provided that during that time I haven't had anything to keep my mind occupied from how bored and lonely and fubbing hungry I am!
Pictured here: boredom. |
It's still cold in the
apartment, the neighbors are assholes who yell all day, I barely got any sleep at all because I can't sleep without my eejit, and we haven't gone
grocery shopping so I've been saving the food until he gets home so we can both eat dinner. Except, we won't both eat dinner, because he's been out with his
family all day, and he's probably already eaten... except if I eat the food then he'll probably come home and wonder where it is...
Oh, gods! What do I do?! |
It's stupid and silly, and I don't know why it happens, but I always wind up angry at him the day the Hedgehog is set to come home. Something inside me gets all tense and upset, and nothing I can do will make it stop. Why am I so mad? I have no idea. But I know when he comes through that door I'll be tense and snappy and uppity with him, and he'll want to know what's wrong with me.
And you know what? I won't know. I've spent most of the day sitting around being bored or playing on the internet, trying to keep busy and distracted, with only his return to look forward to... but the longer I wait the less excited I feel and the more angry I get. I don't know why, it just happens. If I could explain it then maybe it wouldn't bother me so much...
... He has no idea that I'm trying to ignore him... |
Instead of being happy I'll just get short with him, and instead of snuggling up to him, I'll roll away and be angry silently while he lays there and plays his dammed video games.... but you know what? I'll sleep peacefully.
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