Monday, October 24, 2011

The Dogs (and a cat)

Over at the house where I watch the Terror, niece of my boyfriend the Hedgehog, there are two dogs.
... Why can't I draw dogs?

A dachshund.
... Yes, I am that bad at illustrating Great Danes...

And a Great Dane.

... <3 this pic...

In an effort to keep up the fun naming game, for this blog I’m calling the dachshund Noodles and the Great Dane… Colt. Those are obviously not their names, but honestly, I'm making a blog where I routinely insult small children and their mother's, who are related to my Hedgehog. I happen to really love him, and I don't want to have to argue with him because I needed to vent a little. So yes, names have been changed to preserve the identity of the people involved and to save my relationship.

I have no idea why, but Noodles absolutely loves the Terror, despite all the horrible things she does to him…

You don't hold weenie dogs like this.

As for Colt? Well, he drools…

A lot

So unlike Noodles he stays outside, mostly, until the Terror begs to bring him in, and which point this happens…

This is what chaos looks like...

Needles to say if I can keep him out, I do so…
Awww... so cute when sleeping...
The first thing I do every morning when I arrive, before unleashing the Terror from her sleep is feed the dogs…

A couple weeks ago, after having had Wednesday-Sunday off, I arrived to find they were completely out of food. I figured they had run out on Sunday night and went on with the day, putting a couple pieces of bread out for them so they’d eat a little. Well, when I came back the next day, there was still no food… and there wasn’t for the rest of the week… I felt like the worst person who had ever lived, ever.

To tell the truth, I wanted to do something about it, but there wasn’t anything I could do short of calling animal control, and, well… This is the Hedgehog’s family, and I’m at the age where if I have a boyfriend, especially one I’m living with, I want his family to like me too. Who knows how long I’ll be around? I mean… what if I end up marrying him…?!
This is a thought that terrifies me...

So yeah, I just gave them some old food that was about to go bad and when I came back the next Monday, there was food. Still… I can’t help but feel horrible for them…

Oh yeah,  and there’s a cat.

He doesn't have a name...
He’s a stray, he hangs around, but seems to like dogs, doesn’t fight, and is overly lovey. Also, he's neutered.. The Terror loves him. She’s horrible with dogs, but she seems to know how to treat cats. Her mom’s allergic, though. Of course, the cat doesn't care. He darts inside every time the door opens.

So yeah, these are other things I deal with...

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