WHAT!? You ain't never seen a gangsta-Roma before?! |
Hedgehog doesn’t believe I’ll do it, he says I don’t have the skills, but I’ll do it, I swear…
This is a face that doesn't believe in my skillz. |
He’s just not aware that I’ll kick that lady’s ass if she gets him in trouble again, I’ll do it, I swear!
... I will... |
Yeah, on top of
everything else that happened last night, I found out from my Hedgehog that the new assistant manager managed to lose $100 so he was short on the register when he was closing tonight. He got in so much trouble for it that he almost got fired, despite the fact that for almost two months he was one of only two people working there and is still basically the only one who closes the store…
And the manager doesn’t trust him that much? Really? After working there for nearly a year? I mean, really?! This lady flips out on him over the tiniest little things and acts like it's his fault! A customer attacks him in the store (verbally) and when the Hedgehog (who has a bad temper) manages to keep calm she yells at him over it. The manager seriously treats him bad, but I’ve heard about how when a woman at the store messes up she doesn’t say a thing about it. Double standards work both ways people! Women can be just as sexist towards men!
Watch me! |
Grr… I’mma really pop a cap in dat bitch… in... in... in both the bitches!
Pout... |
No, seriously. I’mma do it!
... Still doesn't think I haz the skillz... |
Anyway, yeah, I’m just upset… Regardless of whether or not I can physically do something like that, I’m just not capable of it. I may’ve grown up in places where that kind of thing was pretty common, hell, I currently live in one of those places, but I’m not gonna stick my neck out and get it cut short over two crappy biznitches cause they be screwing with my Hedgehog…
On second thought, that sounds like a good reason to do it…
... See if I don't... |
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