Okay, so I thought I’d get rid of all the awkwardness of my freak out from
yesterday by redoing my Thanksgiving post. Bigger. Better. And with more awesome pictures.
How do I stop alienating my audience...? |
So I’ll start this way:
Surprisingly and amazingly delicious! |
So me and the Hedgehog decided that we were going to make pumpkin soup for Thanksgiving. It’s a recipe we stole from Legend of Zelda, and thought we’d enjoy since we’re huge gamer nerds. Though it’s seen again in Skyward Sword, you get to see some of the ingredients in Twilight Princess (pumpkin, onion, garlic, fish) so it wasn’t so hard with both of our creative and cooking abilities to make some. We made a pot weeks before Thanksgiving and it was amazing, so we were ready to go!
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Okay, well I made sure I was pretty because for a girl, looking pretty is like wearing armor for us.
Well, because I was
terrified of his mom and I didn’t know most of his family, I spent most of the day hanging out and talking to his step-sisters, despite a gap of four or more years between us. It’s okay though, because they’re pretty darn awesome, and the Hedgehog treats his sisters like they’re his best friends in all the world, so after we had Thanksgiving dinner (more like late lunch) me, the Hedgehog and the younger of the two I’d met before went out walking.
It was a nice day out and we walked out to the mud pit, this huge open place where people go mudding, only we were walking on the path next to it. It was fun, we all talked about
ghosts and crazy things we’d seen, and the Hedgehog and his sister reminisced about stuff.
Then we broke beer bottles against stuff.
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